Message from The Principal

Message from The Principal

Building a Kingdom generation!

MCC Sunday School is an experience that many children have gone through systematically as they grew from a little kid to a young adult. We are proud to say, that many of those kids who have gone through the training are serving the Lord in various capacities around the globe. This is our inspiration to see a generation with Kingdom values and principle being raised in this age of perversion and wickedness!

We believe that teaching children to love God and others takes place in both the home and in the church. For this reason we seek to partner with parents (the greatest teachers of all!) and with church pastors and leaders, equipping them with great resource.

Through fun experiences, meaningful music, life-changing word and ministry that encourages kids to participate, we present Jesus Christ and His Church in a relevant way, creating moments which children will never forget.

A lot of prayer, effort and dedication is invested to raise a new breed of generation by the MCC team of teachers and volunteers.

The simple key is to love God, love His Church and enjoy what you are doing. We at the MCC Sunday school is a community of kids and adults learning to walk in obedience to the voice of God!