
General Information

The purpose of this guidelines is to share information concerning Sunday school to it’s students, parents and teachers. The Gospel of Mark records that when people brought little children to Jesus, He took them in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them (Mark 10:16). It is the teaching body’s desire to bring children to Jesus. These guidelines are set forth to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which we can bring our children to the Saviour.

That is why the leadership has set up the following guidelines to be followed at Sunday school. It is our hope that these policies will serve as a guide for those caring for our precious children and as an encouragement for the parents leaving their children in our care. The Sunday school curriculum is based on Pentecostal doctrines and the children and teachers are encouraged to use the New King James Version (NKJV) Bible for the Bible study.

Code of Conduct
Students are required to remain in the Sunday school hall during regular hours. Parents are requested to reinforce the Sunday school code of conduct to their children. Since the Sunday school only runs once a week, it is recommended that parents should supplement their children’s learning by teaching them at home. Parents should advise children to be responsible and mature enough to take care of themselves while attending the Sunday school. Parent involvement is integral in providing the Christian education and worship experiences that will enable our children to develop and grow in their faith.

Behavior Standards: Students will respect all classmates and teachers at all times. Students will participate in all classroom activities according to the teacher’s instructions. Students will demonstrate acceptable Christian behaviour, offering cooperation to teachers, acceptance of classmates, and respect for church property and appropriate reverence for God.

Classroom Etiquette: Students will be informed of classroom rules and be expected to conduct themselves in an age appropriate manner. It is not appropriate for children to bring to Sunday school certain personal possessions: such as electronic devices or toys, toy weapons or other items that can distract others or disrupt the class.

Student Appearance (Dress Code) Our students’ dress must reflect our Christian belief of giving our best to God. It must be consistent with reasonable standards of modesty and decency. 1. Students must wear clothing covering them from the shoulder to below the knee. Dress must be properly fitting (not tight, not too baggy and not sagging) 2. Backless, one shoulder, strapless or thin-strapped shirts, no tight clothing’s / clothing’s with words that display a non- Christian message are not allowed 3. Hair must be clean - have a neat, tidy, well-groomed appearance, and no extreme style. The student will be called and warned about dress code violations. The parents will also be contacted if violations occur.

USE OF GADGETS: Cell phones must be turned off during school hours. Students found talking or ‘messaging’ on their phones will have the devices confiscated, and will be subject to disciplinary action. Toys, Cards, Magazines, Headphones, Beepers, Radios (i.e. IPods, Walkman, and MP3 Players) and Electronic Games are not allowed in the Sunday school.

We follow a well prepared syllabus which is tailored to match with the number of Sunday School working days. Students are admitted to the classes according to their age, just the same way they are admitted to secular schools. Text books for all classes are provided to the students by the Sunday School. For class 11 and 12, book of Daniel and Revelation are taught and text books for these classes were written and printed by MCC Sunday School. In 1978 there were 4 classes, 4 teachers and 30 students and in 2003. Now after 38 years, there are 30 classes, 32 teachrs and 375 students in the Sunday School.
Hours of Operation
Will be updated shortly
Main Activities on every Friday
Will be updated shortly
Will updated shortly.